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Upcycled paper pencils that save trees and cut down paper waste. When you’re done using the pencil, simply plant it and watch it sprout.
2500 such pencils save one 20-feet pine tree, not to mention 2500 new plants that sprout into life!


Made of recycled paper which is more eco-friendly than virgin wood
Sustainable and biodegradable
Embedded with Seeds which are Non-GMO
Made up of edible food colors

It will sprout within 7-10 days and can be used for your home garden or as container garden decor
The pencil shavings can be safely added to compost or as mulch at the base of plants, as the graphite is a rich source of carbon for plants.



Customization available for bulk quantities.

Plantable Pencils (12pcs in a Tube)

SKU: PEP - 53

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